How to travel cheaply between multiple destinations

One of the most important aspects to consider when planning travel on a budget is how you’ll get from point A to point B once you’re actually on your trip. I have a regular 9-5 job and only a certain amount of vacation time per year, so when I travel I like to maximize that time by visiting as many places as I can. While many people perceive the initial flight over to be a big expense (hint: it doesn’t have to be), I know firsthand that the cost of moving about during your trip can add up quickly too.

So how do you make the most of your money and your time? Based on my experience, there are a few general pros and cons to consider with each method of transportation.

Note: In 2014, I wrote a weekly blog series on budget travel for eHow. This post is from that series, so you'll have to head over to their site to read it in full. Thanks for reading!

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